Musescore 4: I cannot change the fontsize of the tempo texts!

• Jan 6, 2024 - 08:30

Tempo texts like : rall., accel. etc... are now all in bold and with a font size of 12.

I read in a previous topic that I should go through the Format>Style>Textstyles>Tempo setting... I did this and changed the font size to 8 and I cleared bold....
The tempo texts in my score did not change and when adding new tempo text to the score the text just is bold with a font size of 12 again ... so the changes made in Format>Style>Textstyles>Tempo did not have any influence at all.

I include the (unfinished) score, a detail picture and a picture the Format>... settings

Is there any way that works for changeing the font of the Tempo texts??

Attachment Size
tempotext.jpg 34.86 KB
Format.jpg 209.14 KB
Arada.mscz 51.88 KB


Apparently there is a specific item under Format>Style>Textstyles for items like rall., accel. etc... called in Dutch: 'Geleidelijke tempoverandering' (sorry, don't have the English version).

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