Pause/Fermata Double Input

• Jan 10, 2024 - 05:33

While highlighting the whole bar of semibreve rests and intended to put fermata over the rests, a second fermata was inputted onto the barline comes after it.

Create a orchestra score, highlight the whole bar vertically with semibreve rests.
Put in fermata by pressing the icon from the template.
Not sure is the bug caused by the rests or the double-barline in this specific case.

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Screenshot 2024-01-10 133112.png 20.01 KB


OK. I see this happened because you created the double bar then right away, SHIFT selected the bottom measure and added the fermata.

In reply to by bobjp

Not really. Shift select the measure and add fermata does not create the issue as from my video. You'll have to, in any way, selected the barline, then it recognized the barline as a "bar" element (same as notes/rests etc.), then it'll put a fermata as well.

To recreate, you select a whole bunch of single measure vertically, where you'll see the selection highlight (blue box thing) only highlighting the rest, not the barline. Then you put a fermata over it (or anything that's recognizing the bar element). After that ctrl-z or undo. Suddenly you'll see the selection highlight blue box thing highlighting the barline as well, which doesn't in your previous manual select/highlight. If you insert fermata this time, it'll put the fermata on the double barline as well.

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