Musescore 4 crashes when loading files

• Jan 12, 2024 - 07:55

Files attached. Could they be corrupt?
The second one also crashes when I try to delete the G clef in the middle staff.


Attachment Size
homenobi_new.mscz 67.3 KB
ばらの茂み_new.mscz 83.27 KB


In reply to by sansyoouo

MuS 3.7 is a special fork of Jojo-Schmitz and is the only MuS 3 version which is able to open MuS 4 files.
It is possible that this version does not reflect all the special features added in MuS 4 (e.g. double measure repeat characters or the ritardando functionality - as far as I know).
But Jojo is constantly developing this version, so I don't know what all he has implemented in the meantime.

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