Playback broken on a specific score

• Jan 12, 2024 - 20:50

Hello, one of my scores stops playback before it begins whenever its enabled. It is the only score that does this, none of my older scores (quartz) or my newest score (blooming asteroids) have this problem, it is only the Relic Castle Game Jam piece.

Attachment Size
Relic Castle Game Jam.mscz 53.11 KB
lBlooming Asteroids.mscz 36.97 KB
Quartz.mscz 32.79 KB


I spent a bit of time copying your notes into a new score. I did it time change to time change. It played back fine until I did the last section. Then it crashed. Not sure if it is that or the fact that I redid the 1/4 measure. Anyway that give you something to go on.

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