Selecting a measure and right-clicking one of its item that falls graphically out of the selection loses the selection

• Jan 18, 2024 - 18:10

There's a feature that allows us to select an area, then right click one of the items contained within, and then go to the drop down sub-menu "select", you can select all items like that one in the entire selection, and disregard the others.
The problem is that not all items that are within one temporal area of the score necessarily fall into the selection box for that area - sometimes the selection box decides to only cover the staff itself and not protrude to reach the elements naturally sitting above or below it - and when you right click them, the program acts as if you had right clicked an item outside the selection: the selection itself is lost, and the submenu only allows to select all like elements in the whole score or in that staff rather than in the selection.


Does anyone have any fixes or workarounds for this? It's being a serious issue. I understood why it happens - the selection box doesn't recognise invisible items when deciding how big to be.

The boundaries of the selection box are set by you. You can't select an item outside the box, as you know.
If an invisible object is a problem, perhaps don't make things invisible until you are done.
BTW. I have paid notation software and MU4. Neither of them give me the long list of problems that you have. I hope you can figure things out. Notation software is not always intuitive.

In reply to by bobjp

I have to make things invisible right away because I have to send updates to people, and the standard notation for Jazz is incompatible with MU's base playback behaviours
That beng said, I think there's a misunderstanding here, let me rephrase: if you click in the empty space in a measure, it selects the whole measure, right? And it extends to chord symbols that might be there. And if the chords are very far above the staff (for whatever reason) the selection box stretches to extend to the faraway chords. Well, if the chords are invisible, it doesn't extend to them all, and rather remains at the border of the staff itself. This means that one can't right click those chords without losing the selection (due to MU4 believing we rightclicked outside of the selection), despite the fact that they're, for any other purpose, within the selection: pressing Del will delete the whole content of the bar including the chords, copy-pasting will include the chords, pressing R will duplicate including the chords, etc.

In reply to by Nicola Rulli

Well, I can't reproduce your problem. That's why I need a score.
Also, fine, make thigs invisible if you must. Just make them visible when you work on the score. It's only a check box.

And also, there will always be a difference between marking a score for playback, and marking a score for real players. This is true of any notation software I know of. I often have two scores for any given project.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Ohhhh I thought it had been completely replaced by the right click menu since it wasn't in the left panel (which is where most of the old inspector's functions went) anymore.
I tried using it as a workaround, but it doesn't do what I want - I wanted to keep only the chord symbols from a box selection - but I found a different workaround: selecting a symbol and pressing (ctrl+)shift+end to select a large range of chords doesn't work (which is what I do outside of this bug), but clicking the first one in the series and then shift-clicking the last one DOES work, so I don't need to go through any menu or submenu, I just have to navigate the score a bit.

I can confirm the bug with invisible elements outside the rectangle clearing the selection on right-click. Please be sure to report this to the developers by opening an issue on GitHub.

Meanwhile, the click / Shift+click remains the more efficient way to select a list of chord symbols or other elements of a given type with a range anyhow.

BTW, I don't understand your statement about "standard notation for Jazz is incompatible with MU's base playback behaviours". Sounds like you have some sort of issue getting MuseScore to play what you intend, but it isn't clear what you mean. Feel free to start a new a new thread to explain further.

In reply to by Nicola Rulli

I see - it's true that these symbols do have differing interpretations. Of course you don't have to fudge it just for the playback effect, but it can be nice. Additional controls over articulation playback are planned for a future update. Anyhow, as mentioned, click / Shift+click remains the most efficient way to select similar elements in a range, visible or not.

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