Mixer & Muse Sounds Settings

• Jan 20, 2024 - 23:16

Hey there,

I'm using the latest version of Musescore. Love it. Only issue is the playback sounds. It sounds good, but I think it can sound a lot better for me. I know it has some great possibilities. At least that's how it looks like.

Assuming I have the basic mixer open, I would like some advice on what to click and what to insert/select, to make the playback sound more realistic. Assume I have a normal pop orchestra setting open (rhythm section, strings, brass and winds)

Would any of you like to share your mixer settings, including instrument and effects (pans, compression, etc.) so that dumber ones like me can inspire themselves to have more beautiful sounding playbacks?


When you see instrument sound choices in the mixer for section and solo 1 and 2, always pick 2. 1 is more "expressive" but is often not very good.
Pan your instruments like you were sitting in front of a real group.
Built in reverb is not bad. But you should experiment with the other effects. Things will sound different on your system than they do on mine.
That said, recorded sounds don't mix the same way live sounds do. Don't be surprised if some thing you think should sound good, doesn't. There can be a difference between writing for playback, and writing for real musicians.

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