second page

• Jan 21, 2024 - 22:12

How do I produce a page 2? The handbook seems to be for a different version than mine thx


Which version do you have? The current version is 4.2.0 and the handbook is here

The previous major version was 3.6.2 and the handbook is here

Links to other handbooks for other earlier versions can be found here

Regarding adding pages, and assuming you are using the latest version - read on.

Once you have filled page 1 Musescore will automatically create a page 2. If you want a page break before then use SHIFT + RETURN to add a page break.

If you want more measures go to Add>Measures and complete the dialogue. See

If you are still stuck come back and explain in more detail what you want to do, how you have tried to do that and what happened instead of what you wanted.

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