MuseScore engraving work well with Microsoft Surface?

• Jan 22, 2024 - 17:50

Hi, I have gathered bits and pieces across different discussions dating back several years, but I would love someone to confirm: does MuseScore have full engraving capabilities with a Microsoft Surface? Which models? I need a lightweight tablet/laptop that I can travel with but I use MuseScore every day for work, so it has to be compatible and to be able to export to XML. Not opposed to another tablet/laptop thing (Lenovo?) but it just has to be able to handle MuseScore engraving and to open PDFs.
Thank you!


I have MU4 on a Surface Go. It does everything That the software does on any other platform. Why wouldn't it? Of course you want one that matches the needed specs. Or at least close.

In reply to by Joy664

As I understand it Chromebooks will open a PDF. Either in the onboard "View" app or by downloading Acrobat (just like Windows).
Some of the Surface models come in "S" mode. Which is a stripped down version of Windows. It is worth putting it in full Windows. S mode only works with app from the Microsoft Store.

Yes. I have replaced my traditional laptop with a Surface pro 2 months ago and MuseScore (3.6.2, I haven't tried 4) works perfectly. Note that editing a score without the physical keyboard connected is doable, but a bit tedious.

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