Is there a way I can replace tablature numbers with note heads and/or letters?

• Feb 11, 2024 - 16:01

So as both a pianist and fingerstyle guitarist, I came up with the idea of printing tablature staffs and writing in the letters before the lines begin (to let you know the tuning). Then instead of numbers, I use the letters of the note on the string being played. Now that I'll being more composition on my desktop, I also think it would be a neat idea to replace the tab numbers with noteheads and use the notehead scheme (for letters, solfege, via advanced staff part properties). Long story short, I'd like to know if there was a way I could replace the numbers with letters AND/OR If theres a way I could make them into note heads and use the notehead scheme

Thank you in advance


I too have interest in having noteheads available in tablature, ideally with a unique notehead property for each note. But to understand your goals I'll probably need images as examples.

Here's an inquiry of mine on this forum:

And here's a video description of one of my goals. In the comments of the following video you'll find explanations of the purpose of the noteheads


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