Stretching lyric word extensions
In barbershop music, there is often the case where (for example) the leads have a lyric on a single note, say, a half note. At the same time, the tenors would have the same lyric, but spread across two quarter notes. In such a case, the lead lyric would have a word extension out to the tenors second note.
It would be nice if MS would allow stretching a word extension from the lead single syllable. I know I could put the same syllable above the tenor staff, but that's not the way we do it!
It can be done, but the lyric has to be tied to the voice that moves.
In reply to It can be done, but the… by bobjp
That’s just what I didn’t want to do. I’ve been thinking about how I could do it by entering those lyrics in the moving voice, as you suggest, and manually moving them up or down. More experimentation needed!
In reply to That’s just what I didn’t… by mikey12045
Try entering the "word extension" as an escaped underline - i.e., so it behaves like normal text, and not a true melisma.
In reply to Try entering the "word… by Jm6stringer
... And play with the alignment options
In reply to ... And play with the… by Jojo-Schmitz
Great ideas. Thanks to everyone!
In reply to Great ideas. Thanks to… by mikey12045
When I try to enter a "reserved character" underscore, it just comes out as an empty box. Then when I move on from the syllable, even that box disappears.