MuseHub tries to update same MS version (Windows 10)

• Mar 16, 2024 - 06:49


For some time now, MuseHub has been saying there's a MuseScore update, but it shows the version I already have installed. When (out of curiosity more than anything else) I click the "download" button, MH seems to download a file; then a message appears saying the upgrade has "failed".

And BTW, when I try to close MH by right-clicking its system-tray icon and clicking Quit, the icon disappears for a moment, then a message appears—"MuseHub is restarting"—and it runs again. It usually takes two or three tries to work. (Closing MH from "Quit" in its GUI works correctly.) Cheers!


I think the best way to close the Hub is with its own quit function, as you note. The sounds update only works if you leave the Hub open all the time. Which is not needed. I open the Hub once a week or so to check for updates. Then I close it, with the quit button.

In reply to by bobjp

bobjp > I think the best way to close the Hub is with its own quit function, as you note.

Just as I described, right? In describing the problem with context-menu Quit, it seemed relevant to mention how the in-window Quit worked much better. Technically, I suppose I was providing a contrast between the similar, non-working and working functions. 😉

bobjp > The sounds update only works if you leave the Hub open all the time. Which is not needed. I open the Hub once a week or so to check for updates. Then I close it, with the quit button.

Yup, that's pretty much what I do too—in fact, that's why I was closing it, which lead to this post about the whole Quit thing... Which brings us full-circle, doesn't it? Isn't it fun when stuff comes out so tidily and logically? 😁

This still doesn't explain why Hub thinks I need to update MS when I don't. If Hub were human, I'd say it might be peevishly pretending not to realize which MS version I had, to get back at me for not letting it run all the time. I think it's just a bug, though; thus I mentioned that here, too.

In any case, thanks for letting me re-clarify all this at ridiculous length, as I live in a small town and there usually isn't a whole lot else to do. 🙋‍♂️

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