exporter la musique et les paroles

• Mar 27, 2024 - 16:09

Est-il possible de faire prononcer les paroles dans les exports ?
J'ai déjà entendu des paroles en anglais sur certains morceaux lorsque je clique sur le "toogle play" mais je n'ai pas trouvé comment faire


"Exporting music and lyrics
Is it possible to have the lyrics pronounced in the exports?
I've already heard lyrics in English on certain tracks when I click on "toggle play" but I haven't found how to do it."

MuseScore really does not provide pronunciation of lyrics. So I think you may have heard another product? Or perhaps you heard a MuseScore score which had been synchronised to a performance recording on YouTube?

For generated pronunciation, see:
Myriad Virtual Singer: https://www.myriad-online.com/en/products/virtualsinger.htm
Cantamus: https://cantamus.app/

In reply to by DanielR

Or Synthesizer V studio.
Usable completely free version available for Win, Mac and Linux.

Quick howto:
-export vocal line (one at a time) to musicxml (midi exports do not have lyrics)
-transform xml to .svp (or .ustx) with Utaformatix - https://sdercolin.github.io/utaformatix3/ (you can also build this locally if you want)
-open .svp in Synyhesizer V (basic version is free)
-tweak. (supported languages are English, Japanese and Chinese)
-have fun

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