Can't get volta prima to work correctly

• Apr 7, 2024 - 12:27

I'm trying to transcribe a song (copyrighted, so please don't post it), but I can't get the prima volta to work properly in playback. It works fine the first time, but on the first repeat, instead of skipping both measures under the prima volta bracket and going straight to the seconda volta, it only skips the first measure, replays the second, then goes to seconda volta. I tried altering the properties of the measure right before the repeat barline by changing the play count to 1, but then the playback jumps all the way to the coda later in the score. I've been able to get this to work properly in other scores I've transcribed, but I can't figure out what I did wrong here and why the playback won't work properly.

BTW, this song also has a segno, DS al coda, to coda and coda markings. These all work as intended.

Attachment Size
All My Loving.mscz 50.48 KB


You've only applied the prima volta to one bar, did you drag the top right control point to try and include the next bar? that won't work, It's only a visual modification. Select the volta and you'll see the handles are only attached to the start and end of the first bar.

To edit the scope of the volta select it then shift -> to move the end handle forward one bar.

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