For some reason I can't upload my music?
Any ideas? I have the latest version but I'm new to Musescore so there might be something I'm doing wrong.
Any ideas? I have the latest version but I'm new to Musescore so there might be something I'm doing wrong.
Do you still have an unanswered question? Please log in first to post your question.
A) You are on You need to go to for issues with "uploading your music". See the following information:
B) In fact, there are some issues that we can help with here at Many we cannot, but some we can. But no one--here or there--can even begin to help until we know more. Exactly what are you doing to try to upload your music. To where. What response do you get? Details, details, details.
In reply to A) You are on… by TheHutch
here comes the unhelpful commentor again.
The software itself is directing us to come to and report our complaint.
Now before you argue, see the attached file for yourself.
In reply to here comes the unhelpful… by KumarjitDey
I assume that any issues reported by the Musescore app will take you to - default implementation.
However, if you try to upload a score to, both parties are affected. First of all, save your score locally. Some have reported that you have to log out and log in again in this case, perhaps a restart of Musescore is also necessary in between.
Error 401 is a clear message that did not receive valid credentials, either they were not sent in the Musescore app or they were incorrect.
In reply to I assume that any issues… by HildeK
A recent thread ( suggested that when the user first logs into they receive a security token (similar to "domain authentication" in Windows). This token is valid for a particular time and, if the token has expired, the user will get this 401 error message and have to log back into I don't know if this is accurate, but it seems reasonable.
kumarjitdey94: this is an example of what I told OP in my first note, that you sneered at as being "unhelpful". No matter what the error message says, no one at can do anything to help. We may have some information about the error, but there's nothing anyone can DO about it. If logging off and back on does not help, then only someone at can do anything about it. (So please stop sneering at users--like you--who are trying to help--unlike you--other users.)