New Sub-Forum Suggestions

• May 19, 2024 - 22:21

Can we please add the following subforums?:

Requests: For anyone who wants MIDI Covers

Collaborations: For anyone looking for MIDI Composers for their projects.

The General Discussions Sub-Forum isn't working for me.


"Requests: For anyone who wants MIDI Covers"
This sounds like asking for or providing a service that shares copyright material and, as such, would be contrary to the current forum standards and, possibly, illegal.

"Collaborations: For anyone looking for MIDI Composers for their projects."
There already is a sub-forum for people looking for, and people providing, services:

"The General Discussions Sub-Forum isn't working for me."
Forum users can decide what they think about you based upon this statement. Please remember that the main thrust of the forum is to support and help users of the MuseScore (now MuseScore Studio) notation program and anything else is a bonus.

This site is for discussion the software (MuseScore Studio). The things you are talking about are more suited for the score-sharing website Lots of discussion groups there already, including one covering the topics you mention, but you're always welcome to create more.

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