4.3 vs. 4.4

• May 24, 2024 - 03:16

I have been writing my recent files using the 4.4 nightly builds, only to discover that I can't open them with the 3.4 nightly builds. The system prompts me to use the 4.4 nightly builds instead:


This is rather alarming. Does this mean that when MS 4.3 is officially released, I still won't be able to use my files and will have to wait for the official release of MS 4.4 instead?

Additionally, I've noticed that the development of the 4.4 nightly builds has slowed down, while there are frequent updates for the 4.3 nightly builds. Could it be that 4.4 might be abandoned altogether in favor of 4.3? If so, what can I do with the files I've created in 4.4 if they can't be opened in 4.3?

Also, why is there a need to create this 4.3-4.4 fork? It's a bit confusing. Why not fully develop 4.3 first and then move on to 4.4?


"Also, why is there a need to create this 4.3-4.4 fork? It's a bit confusing. Why not fully develop 4.3 first and then move on to 4.4?"

It's a bit like trying out a new recipe. You wouldn't scrap the old recipe until you are sure the new one works. Why would you have to wait until you had perfected the garnish on a cake before trying out a new tweak to the cake mix on another bake?

You can try export to music xml and see if 4.3 imports the vast majority of your work.

The reasons for 4.4 development:
MS 4.4 and future versions use Qt 6.2.4. ( much more recent and updated )
MS 4.3.x and “most” prior versions use Qt 5.15.x. ( kinda old )

Qt is a big part of the program.
It takes a lot of work to migrate over while adding new features. The parallel effort makes sense.

In reply to by TDYama


Thank you for this input.

"You can try export to music xml and see if 4.3 imports the vast majority of your work."
-- Yes, that's what I've been doing recently. It does, however, involve a lot of manual recovery like resetting all the mixer settings, getting rid of all red notes by creating new staves and copying the contents into them from the old red-notes-containing staves, and deleting and re-creating all the rehearsal marks one by one.

"Qt is a big part of the program"
-- I don't know what Qt is. Would be good if explained a bit.

In reply to by innerthought

On discord, there was a discussion on disabling version checking. You could try it. You change an .ini file and restart the program. You get a warning but just keep going and maybe can open the file.

It’s fun to try. See link here. Hopefully I am interpreting the discussion correctly. Set the option to true and see what happens. 😇

See the picture for the ini info. The discord link isn’t going to the intended spot so I deleted it.

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