Musescore Says Score does not belong to my account, but I only have one account and made it last night.

• Jun 2, 2024 - 02:37

There isn't really any other information to add. The score simply will not open, but I can guarantee that there is no confusion about which account I am using, as I only have the one that I made less than 48 hours ago, and for some reason, my score is now inaccessible. Any help with this bug would be great.


In reply to by casper1232321

I'm sorry, but the fact that there support isn't helpful does not imply that will be able to do anything.

Let me put it this way. You are in the process of building a house. Your General Contractor ("GC") has hired a number of different people to do different things: for example, a plumber to put in the pipes and an electrician to install the wiring. You find a problem in the wiring. Are you going to complain to the plumber? Do you really think it will help anything?

When you post here, you are complaining to the plumber about an electrical issue. It wastes your time, and ours, and gets nothing done.

In reply to by TheHutch

Woah! It's almost like I said "Any help with this bug would be great!" hoping that maybe someone had a similar experience.

Let me put it this way. If one site was unhelpful, maybe members of nearly the same community would have a unique insight into the problem, so why not ask?

There is absolutely no need for you to be condescending in your reply. However uniquely shortsighted you may be, it is very telling what kind of community you want to foster here.

Here are some things that you could try:

  • Restart Musescore 4.
  • Sign out and then sign in again in Musescore 4.
  • Sign in to and check if you can download a copy of your score from there.

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