MuseSounds Info

• Jun 4, 2024 - 22:29

I've been using MuseSounds for a while and have been thoroughly enjoying using it. I'm looking forward to the percussion update! I was wondering if there is somewhere where I can see every feature of each instrument w/ explanation. I can go through each instrument with the sound flags and look at everything, but it doesn't tell me what the difference between 'standard' and 'classic phrasing' is (does anybody know?). MuseHub has some info, but I feel like it wouldn't be too hard to explain and describe the full extent of MuseSounds. I would love to know more about the tools I have! (specifically the brass 'phrasing')


Best way to get that info is to listen to the sounds. Create a blank score. Add a few measures of music to it (something characteristic of what you expect your final score to be). Turn on "classic phrasing" for a couple of measures, then turn on "standard phrasing" for a couple more. Or whichever different sounds you are exploring.

No one else's description of them will ever match what your ears hear

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