Unable to save file - MuseScore Studio

• Jun 5, 2024 - 02:00

I just installed the upgrade to MuseScore Studio (from Musescore 4.something, have been keeping relatively current) and now I am unable to save files to my (Windows 11) laptop. The same error message "File not found. Check the file name and try again." appears whether I work with an existing file or create a new one.

Based on other posts, this isn't a new/unique problem, but I can't find a solution that works for me.
I tried:
- logging into MuseScore (the update had logged me out)
- temporarily turning off Real Time protection

(Workaround - I can save a copy to my Desktop, but then rearranging files later is a pain).

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-06-04 185633.jpg 17.53 KB


I uninstalled everything and just re-installed the latest release - (4.3.2), with the same problem.
Not file specific, the error is on 'Save', or 'Save As'.

I've gone back to Musescore 4.2.1 (tried 4.3.0 unsuccessfully), and it works fine. I only have a couple of files created in versions newer than that (that 4.2 can't recognize), so will live with that.

But would love to hear if there is a solution! Someday I'll want/need to upgrade.

In reply to by mercuree

Brilliant, thanks it worked! It was WIndows Defender. Rather than turn off all protection, I was able to go in and select just the Musescore app (Virus & Threat Protection > Protection History > click on "Protected folder access blocked> Contolled folder access settings.... lets you select specific folders or specific apps).

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