How to increase playback speed with every round
Hey! I am a Drummer and i am using musescore to practise songs. Is it possible to automatically increase playback speed while playing a song in loop?
I want to start at 50% speed, play the song once, after i played the song once it should switch to 55%, after the next round 60% and so on. Is that possible? Is there a Plugin for that?
Thank you
No, no and no.
Closest you could come would be to include an accel. with the percentage increase set appropriately, then copy/paste the sequence, including that accel. to new measures repeatedly.
I made a proposal/request for that kind of control in a new vision of MuseScore's Play Panel:
Specifically here. In the image note the lower left quadrant entitled Tempo:…
Presently nothing has materialized. But there's more discussion here: