Intavolatura moderna per strumenti antichi - Modern tablature for ancient instruments

• Jul 22, 2024 - 10:26

riprendo un vecchio argomento che pare non sia ancora stato risolto: volendo scrivere o trascrivere della musica moderna scritta appositamente per tiorba, mi trovo nella difficoltà di inserire le durate moderne nell'intavolatura, per esempio i gruppi irregolari, le travature convergenti o divergenti, e soprattutto il maledetto 8° coro nell'intavolatura italiana... esiste un modo per poter intervenire anche sulle durate indicate sopra l'esagramma?
allego un esempio di ciò che mi serve, il primo pentagramma è per voce, il secondo è il pentagramma della tiorba a cui ho collegato l'intavolatura sottostante...

I return to an old topic that seems not to have been resolved yet: wanting to write or transcribe modern music written specifically for the theorbo, I find myself having the difficulty of inserting modern durations into the tablature, for example irregular groups, converging or divergent beams, and especially the damned 8th chorus in the Italian tablature... is there a way to also intervene on the durations indicated above the hexagram?
I attach an example of what I need, the first staff is for voice, the second is the theorbo staff to which I connected the tablature below...

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ex2.png 215.62 KB


It's been a long time since a question about the theorbo was asked. I had answered this kind of question (from memory, there is a limitation), but I need to bring the question up to date again.
So please, instead of an image, attach the theorbo file (.mscz) so we can take a closer look, and by detailing where (measures) your difficulties lie.

EDIT: I found these threads again:
and (containing a workaround, for the 8th course, not perfect of course).
For the record, there have been strictly no changes in the Italian tablature code for several years.
..... MORE:
About tuplets:

And about I quote :"converging or divergent beams", more explanation and a few use cases might be useful.

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