MS 4.4 bug?

• Aug 27, 2024 - 16:05


Today I upgraded to version 4.4. The program launches but the screen is completely black. I uninstalled and reinstalled, but it still doesn't work.

I opened a file from the explorer. It plays sound but I can't see the score or the menus either. I tried to edit some notes. When I close the file (clicking at upper right corner), I can see the popup window, but nothing is visible either.

I'm using Windows 10. I've never had this bug before with previous versions of MuseScore.

Any ideas? Thanks a lot.

Attachment Size
MS4-4 2024-08-27 085512.jpg 32.78 KB


We are about to release a fix for this problem, and it would be great if you can help us by testing it. To do so:
1. Go to
2. Make sure you are logged in with a GitHub account
3. Download MU4_242481121_Win_4.4.1
4. Run this test build following these instructions:…
5. Let us know if it works, by leaving a comment here.

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