Are playable lyrics now a thing in MuseScore 4, or have I completely misread the update notes?

• Aug 31, 2024 - 21:59

If I have and this is in fact a stupid question, feel free to shoot me with your weapon of choice.

That being said, I got quite excited when I read the latest update notes to find that there is now
"Support for Muse Sounds choral libraries, including lyric text to trigger different phoneme samples." according to

Does this mean that it is possible to write choral parts with lyrics and have them actually "sing" the lyrics, rather than the stock "oo" and "ah" sounds?

If so, then how on Earth do I get them to work because I've been playing around with some lyrics on scores flicking through all kinds of menus, and it doesn't seem to work, which leads to my comment here.

Kind regards,

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