Cannot add ambitus on some parts, and note placement

• Sep 4, 2024 - 08:46

Hi, in the attached score:
1. I added the ambitus on the main score, but it does not appear when I open the parts. And when I attempted to add it, it worked on the Alto, Tenor and Bass parts, but not on the two Cantus parts.
2. I then changed the barlines to solid, and this changed the placement of (some of) the notes and rests, placing them attached to the barline, which is not very pleasing - please blink the attached pdfs to see the effect.

Thanks for your help,


Disable multimeasure rests, apply the ambitus, enable them again

That's at least a workaround, for something that indeed looks like a bug
Please report it on GitHub

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Bug reported.
Regarding my point 2 on the note placements: I had changed the barline style on the full score. Now I've changed the barline style on a single part and the note placements are not changed. Also, the barlines are changed on all the open parts and on the main score (unexpected, but appreciated). Except that on the score the first barline of each line is not changed ... the single parts don't have an initial barline, i.e. to the left of the clef.

In reply to by amoneti

After further investigation on the note placement: in some measure of the single parts, the first note is placed almost attached to the barline (eg. Bass2 m 74, 104), and the same for rests (T2, m98). In other cases the not is somewhat farther from the barline, but less than it should (T2, m48). This happens on measures that are the first of a line in the main score. I'm not sure at what point of changing barline style, alternating between with and without multi measure rests, changing stretch, and possibly other activities, this first occurred.

Attachment Size
Gombert-Lugebat_David_Absalon - SS.mscz 391.37 KB

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