Text does not respond to arrow keys after creating a new text item

• Sep 4, 2024 - 21:55

Working in MS 4.4 on a Windows 11 Home laptop. This is a new just-slight annoyance in 4.4 which has a work-around. When I create a new Ctrl-T text box above a staff, enter text, and hit Esc to step out of it, it is still selected, as it always was before 4.4. When I hit arrow keys to move it where I want it, it doesn't respond now. I have to select some other feature of the page and re-select the text for the arrows to work on it. Same for similar markings, like tempo.
No biggie, just a head scratcher.
- R


It does the same thing for me on a similar machine. But being a mouser, I wouldn't use ESC. And I would just grab the text and drag it where I want. That doesn't help you, I know. I just want you to know it isn't just you. Maybe the function will return in a later update.

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