Playback on AppImage not working but fine on Flatpak

• Sep 11, 2024 - 10:23

I am using Ubuntu 24.04 on an intel i7 NUC, with the Flatpak version of musescore the playback works fine (apart from musesounds as the flatpak version does not find them) with the AppImage version of musescore the play back is like someone with a bad case of stutters and also very slow, but the AppImage does find the Muse sound sound fonts, but of course also stutters really bad in playback, any help much appreciated.


Probably a sample rate mismatch. Either change it in your OS to 44.1K, or change it in MuseScore Studio to 48K (Edit / Preferences / Audio & MIDI).

In reply to by Maaattt

I’m not sure what kernel speed has to do with packaging format, but can you say which specific sample rate you set in both your OS and MuseScore Studio? I’m recommend 48 kHz for both. Also try different buffer sizes. Because different Linux distributions use different audio systems, you might need to experiment with that as well (eg, pipewire versus ALSA etc). Unfortunately there are so many different configurations out there that it is virtually impossible to support them alll “out of the box”, but just keep asking for help and reporting the results and we should be able to get it sorted on your system so it works as well as it does on others!

Have Fixed the problem
Still don't know what caused the problem, but when Ubuntu 24.10 was released I did a clean install, and re installed all programs etc, and now playback works great on the Appimage, and I can now use the Musesounds as well, thank you for your reply's to this problem

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