Adding fingerings is shifting my score around in weird ways

• Sep 14, 2024 - 00:55

I am trying to add fingerings to my score, however it is causing things in the score to become jumbled up or spaced really far apart. For example, adding fingerings to the second line of the score moves up all the fingerings on the first line until they are overflowing off the page and adding fingerings to the bottom of the first line moves the second line down until it is halfway down the page. This seems like a bug with the fingering text element. Is there a workaround so I can add fingerings without anything else being shifted unintentionally?

This is my musescore version and OS:
OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.1-242490810, revision: 0b3dd00

Attachment Size
musescorefingeringissue.png 210.24 KB
musescorefingeringissue1.png 207.34 KB


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