No MuseSounds for solo contrabass?

• Sep 17, 2024 - 05:45

Likely this question has already been asked, but I'm not sure when it was asked last, and I would like an answer for myself so I don't have to go scrolling for hours to find the answer.

Why is there no solo contrabass sound in MuseSounds? I find it strange that it's the only thing missing from the Muse Strings set; there have also been several updates to MS4, yet no sound for solo bass has been added, and no one has addressed it properly as far as I know. It becomes an even stranger matter when you realize that MS has a sound for the contrabass flute.

Is this because no sound has been made for it yet? Don't get me wrong, MS4 is a huge improvement to MuseScore as a whole, and I appreciate all the work that has been and is being done for it; however, whatever the issue is regarding the solo contrabass sounds, I would like some clarification and closure, especially as a bass player.

Thank you.

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