Bar number

• Sep 18, 2024 - 16:50

The Bar Number (see attachment), unlike the other texts, which are entered into a measure with a simple click on them, must be dragged onto the measure to be positioned. Is it a bug?

Attachment Size
allegato 00.29.25.png 51.14 KB


In reply to by Claudio Riffero

Maybe not, here's what the code says:

    if (!defaultPalette) {
        // Measure numbers, unlike other elements (but like most text elements),
        // are not copied directly into the score when drop.
        // Instead, they simply set the corresponding measure's MeasureNumberMode to SHOW
        // Because of that, the element shown in the palettes does not have to have any particular formatting.
        auto meaNum = makeElement<MeasureNumber>(gpaletteScore);
        meaNum->setProperty(Pid::TEXT_STYLE, int(TextStyleType::STAFF));       // Make the element bigger in the palettes (using the default measure number style makes it too small)
        meaNum->setXmlText(QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("palette", "Measure number"));
        sp->appendElement(meaNum, QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("palette", "Measure number"))->setElementTranslated(true);

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