Hairpin gets placed over wrong bar

• Sep 24, 2024 - 11:51

In the first bar shown (in the image ‘hairpin after’), I inserted a hairpin with the ‘>’ key, and it worked out nicely. Now i wanted to do the same in the second bar, but instead it gets placed over the third bar. The same happens if I copy and paste the hairpin.

As a workaround, I tried to move it manually to the correct bar, but there are at least two problems with that, as shown in ‘hairpin stuck’:
1. It is glued to both the ‘ppp’ to its left and the ‘p’ to its right and moves them along with it.
2. Once moved up to the position shown, it is stuck there and can't be moved any lower.

Actually, because the dynamics here take up much more horizontal space than the notes, my preferred layout would be to display the dynamics letters below the hairpins, which would save a lot of horizontal space. Should I open a different topic for that?

(OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore Studio version (64-bit): 4.4.2-242570931, revision: 3130f97)

Attachment Size
hairpin after.png 21.27 KB
hairpin stuck.png 22.74 KB


It is difficult (impossible?) to see exactly what is going on from a picture. Please attach the score (.mscz file) so that someone can investigate further.

One thing I do see in the picture is repeated dynamics, ppp followed by ppp and p followed by p. What are you trying to achieve? What arrangement of dynamics and hairpins are you aiming for?

In reply to by SteveBlower

Yes, it is impossible with the picture I posted. Partly this is because the picture shows the file as I don't want it.

But I now realize that this is probably a simple understanding issue on my part. I boiled it down to the very simple attached file and the question:

The file just consists of one note. I need a hairpin over it that shows ‘p’ at the beginning and ‘ppp’ at the end. When I hover and press shift over the ‘p’, I want the red line that appears (which I presume indicates an anchor) to go from the ‘p’ to the beginning of the note. Likewise, I want the ‘ppp’ to be anchored at the end of the note. In other words: I want the ‘p’ to be anchored at the same point as the beginning of the hairpin, and the ‘ppp’ at the same point as the end of the hairpin.

Bonus question: Can I then move the texts while still keeping the connections to the notes (red anchor lines) and to the hairpin? The latter are not shown, but they appear to be there, because when I move the hairpin up a bit, the ‘p’ moves up with it.

Attachment Size
decrescendo to note.mscz 15.36 KB

In reply to by bobjp

So it is, thank you. But unfortunately that connection is very fragile. It breaks when I move the hairpin a bit too far. I just moved it over the time signature and back and it gets all lumped together as in the image ‘fragile hairpin’. (That appears to be or at least be related to my original problem; I'm happy that we now can repro that with this very basic file.)

Attachment Size
fragile hairpin.png 5.1 KB

In reply to by Sebaudia

No it is still not clear to me what you are trying to achieve. Perhaps I am being dense or the minimalist example is too minimal. It is certainly difficult to reproduce the "hairpin over the wrong bar" problem in your attached one bar score as there is only one bar for the hairpin to be over.

Can you provide a picture (even hand drawn) of what you want to end up with? Is there in fact a real-life situation that you are trying to get to, or are you just experimenting to see how dynamics and hairpins behave (nothing wrong with that, of course).

In your initial post you say "I inserted a hairpin with the ‘>’ key". For that to work you must have selected something first, what was it you selected? And similarly, what exactly did you do when you were trying to "do the same thing" in the second bar. And when you say "I tried to move it manually to the correct bar". How did you try to do that, dragging with a mouse? with the arrow keys? some other way?

In reply to by SteveBlower

What I'm trying to achieve is simply:
1. Have well defined hairpins. (I.e. hairpins that define the dynamics exactly with text at beginning and end.)
2. Avoid overly bloating the score horizontally. (This is necessary because otherwise the score will take up far too much horizontal space. Consider how much more horizontal space a well defined hairpin takes than a note.)

One possible design that does this is the attached ‘design A’, which has the beginning dynamic text top left, and the ending text bottom right of each hairpin. But that's just one option; I'm not expecting Musescore to allow that placement. Another possible design is ‘design B’. That's less ideal since it's a compromise between horizontal bloat and illegibly small text, but it's probably more realistic since it should be doable with Musescore at least in principle.

It's probably not helpful to worry about what I did originally - for two reasons:
1. I wrote the original file in an old version 3.x.
2. The problem can be reproduced with the current version with the simple file provided by bobjp. So I don't think it should matter how I wrote the original file.

But since it seems to help you, let me answer your questions anyway:
• What I had selected was the note.
• For the second note, I again selected it (don't remember if by mouse or arrow key) and hit ‘>’.
• I tried to drag it with the mouse. Now that is still relevant because I did the same thing in my previous message when I moved the hairpin over the time signature. So, following your question, I just used the arrow keys instead, and to my surprise it behaves very different then: Now the connection between the hairpin and its defining texts is broken immediately; the texts just stay where they are. Certainly not an option I would prefer, so as far as I'm concerned we don't need to pursue this path.

Attachment Size
design B.png 7.94 KB
design A.png 8.67 KB

In reply to by Sebaudia

Right now the "ppp" and "p" are both attached to the start of the bar. You'll need to add it to the end instead. Which for a single measure like this is a little tricky - normally you'd add it to the start of the next measure then move it backwards one notch (Alt+Shift+Left). But, you can just select it where it is and press Shift+Right until it reaches the end of the bar. I'd recommend deleting the hairpin then reaading it, as right now it's indeterminate which dynamic that hairpin is attached to at which end.

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