Musescore 4.4.2 breaks mensurstricht + more

• Sep 24, 2024 - 15:21

I hope this is the right place for this:

The updates after 4.3 seem to have broken the mensurstricht from all my scores. My attached screenshot shows a file I last edited in 4.3, and it was fine then, but now the barline stretch is off and can't be fixed in the inspector. I have tried starting a new score with the same result. When I check "Span to next staff" the barline now stretches to the bottom of the next staff instead of the top, and changing the value of "span to" doesn't change anything.

Is there a new way to do this or a workaround? In addition, the musica ficta plugin is broken by this update.

Attachment Size
Screenshot 2024-09-24 101352.png 66.5 KB


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