The shortcut to use the "m" key to combine multimeasures of rest isn't working

• Sep 26, 2024 - 01:14

As the title states, when I press the "m" key, the measures of rests don't combine and I'm curious how to fix it. It's not an issue with my keyboard as I have typed the letter M multiple times haha! I hope someone knows how to help


Figured it out! If anyone else is having problems with shortcuts, click "Edit" > "Preferences" > and then "Shortctus"
There will be a search bar on the top right where you can find specific shortcuts. For example, I searched "measure" to find the measure shortcuts and found the one I needed. It was defaulted to Ctrl + Shift + M, which was pretty gross lol!

In reply to by cvlimon1231

The shortcut was changed to Ctrl+Shift+M because so many users have complained over the years about accidentally enabling mmrests and not knowing what they are or how to disable them again.

You can change it back if you like in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts, which is also where can verify what the current shortcut is.

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