Multiple open scores create multiple Musescore processes.

• Oct 10, 2024 - 18:07

Up to version 4.3.6, there was only one process. Each score had its own TAB.
Loading additional scores multiplies the amount of memory required, and the computer becomes slower and slower. I think this is a bug.


In reply to by cbjeukendrup

@cbjeukendrup I have read your comments on github and I’m super glad to have found a sensible and solid analysis of the situation and of what should/could be done.
It is conforting to see that a good software engineer has these issues into his hands.
I was disappointed with musescore 4 and upset with the answers from some musescore fan in this forum trying to convince us that « because musescore does it that way it is the only and good way »
Reading your comments gives me back hope in the future of musescore .

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