Not enough shortcut for drums scores

• Oct 25, 2024 - 16:27

There are not enough keyboard shortcut that can be assigned to Drumset.
A to G just cover the basic notation for drums but it is not enough to map everything else.
I find very time consuming for example to write open/close hi-hat, bells, snare cross sticks, power shot.

Why there is such limitation from a technical point of view?
Why we cannot make all letters in the key board available
Please consider adding this feature soon as I think is very limiting
Many thanks

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drumset.png 141.43 KB


I have the same needs as You. I do not know if the implementation of this request implies a big technical problem in the future MuseScore 4.5 or 4.6 . Anyway the actual status is very restrictive !.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Maybe in the future they implement the possibility to use other consonants behind "G", but at the moment I am testing MuseScore 4.5 (beta version) under Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, and I did not found the function to do that. The actual " Edit Drum Palette" does not allowed to use consonants behind "G".

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