Our near-term plans for MuseScore Studio

• Dec 23, 2024 - 09:50

Now that we're pretty deep into releases of MuseScore Studio 4 (version 4.5 is currently in development and is slated for release at the end of February 2025) we thought it was a good time to share some of our plans for the coming 1-2 years.

These are ideas that we (the internal team) plan to focus on while the community continues adding various improvements of their own. The ideas mentioned here aren't exhaustive, and we always leave room in our plans to act quickly on new opportunities when they arise, such as adding relevant features for potential new users (see "Focus on Finale users" below), or when a community developer introduces something valuable that can be readily incorporated into a forthcoming release.

For those who haven't been following the progress of MuseScore Studio, it's worth providing some context behind how we got to where we are now, before we lay out our ideas for the next couple of years.

How we work

For the last four years, our mission has been to establish MuseScore Studio as a modern, professional application. This has largely meant matching the essential features of Finale (RIP), Dorico and Sibelius. The teams working on these apps have their own development challenges, including the need for codebase improvements and feature expansions. Our particular development challenge has been the need to divide our time and resources across three distinct priorities:

1. Building new features and improvements

This is the easiest part of the job: creating new capabilities that MuseScore Studio is missing, which don't require major under the hood changes or refactoring of our codebase. At the moment, around a third our focus is on this aspect. We aim to bring it up to around 75% within the next 18 months.

2. Improving older features

When our team began working on MuseScore in 2018/2019, there were very few aspects of the app that didn't require a major rethink. Therefore, with each release, we've been gradually replacing or updating core aspects of the app's functionality.

We've been doing this work to provide a solid foundation that can be reliably built upon in the future, when we want to introduce far more ambitious, modern improvements.

To give one example: it was clear that our system for positioning and playing back dynamics and line objects (like hairpins) had to be completely replaced. So we made it possible to let these objects anchor to non-arbitrary positions on the stave. This has dramatically improved consistency when the score layout changes, ensuring hairpins no longer fly all over the place without knowing where to go! This has also greatly improved usability and playback too.

Although we are not yet done fixing up many of these older issues with MuseScore, we feel we're about 75% there.

3. Refactoring the codebase to unblock new capabilities

This is the real demon.

There remains a large area of the codebase that requires refactoring in order to enable future capabilities that are currently blocked.

When we released MuseScore 4.0, we took the opportunity to address our overall architecture, UI framework and audio engine. Since then, we've been completely reimagining our notation system itself.

The problem we knew we needed to address was MuseScore's measure-based approach, a problem those who have followed the development blogs of Sibelius or Dorico will be familiar with. Put simply, when the underlying architecture of your notation requires all notated elements to be contained within a measure, it has far-reaching implications that go beyond simple problems like, for example, tuplets not being able to cross bar lines (a problem that can be hack-fixed to a reasonably satisfactory degree anyway).

By replacing the old measure-based architecture with a more flexible system, we unlock many of the new features described below. This also allows us to create a truly fluid playback system, where durations can exist at any point in time. It will open the doors to a properly capable piano roll. In addition, it will also allow people to make major alterations to time signatures without the score saying "no" because it causes durations to go beyond the boundaries of a measure.

Our next big update: 4.5

Some of you will have already started using the master/nightly builds, in which case you may have noticed a number of exciting new features we're bringing to this release.

With version 4.5, our main areas of focus are:

  • Upgrading MuseScore's percussion notation capabilities
  • Making UX improvements that greatly enhance copy & paste behaviour and working with dynamics.
  • Expanding the engraving module's capacity to meet professional publishing standards
  • Introducing workflows that are essential for Finale users, which we also think will benefit all users of the app.

New percussion system

As promised, we'll be delivering a new percussion system in version 4.5.

This is the second update in a multi-stage plan for percussion, which is so ambitious in its scope that we are forced to realise our vision for an industry-leading percussion system in incremental stages.

The first stages took place earlier this year, when in MuseScore 4.3 and 4.4 we introduced sound flags to stave text, and added support for Muse Drumline. Part of this work involved making the existing percussion panel responsive to the sound library chosen in the mixer, allowing it will display available notes at pre-mapped staff positions as determined by the chosen sound library.

We did this because we believe that an optimal percussion experience in MuseScore is one where the relationship between notation and playback is as seamless as possible.

But as many of you know, percussion music presents additional challenges to a computer-based notation system, including the lack of a common notation standard, the challenge of mapping diverse instrument sets onto a single stave, a sprawling myriad of playback libraries with unique mapping conventions, and so on. Percussion is, in short, incredibly complex.

In version 4.5, we'll be introducing a new percussion panel to enable faster note input, greater flexibility and customisability, and enhanced readability and accessibility.

New percussion panel (animated image)

To achieve some of these benefits, we've had to increase the size of the panel. While this won't adversely affect orchestral percussion instruments, it may make very large libraries – including drumlines and expanded drum kits – initially less convenient when used on small screens.

For this reason, we'll continue to support the legacy panel together with new panel, until we can realise the next stage in our percussion story: a universal mapping system.

Universal mapping for percussion in MuseScore has already been designed, but will require extensive refactoring of our percussion standard to bring to fruition. The benefits, however, will be immense. We'll be moving to a hierarchical structure of instruments and sub-instruments which will not only save on UI space, but which will also enable seamless switching and combining of percussion sound libraries while not adversely affecting the notation. Of course, this will also enable virtually limitless customisation of mapping across sound libraries.

The evolution of percussion is going to be a long journey for MuseScore Studio, so we're grateful for your patience and feedback as this system continues to evolve.

Engraving updates

We'll be introducing two highly requested engraving features in version 4.5: laissez vibrer ties, and large time signatures.

In addition, we'll be giving you more control over where system markings like bar numbers, tempo markings, rehearsal marks, and more appear.

And thanks in part to the efforts of one of our community contributors, we'll be bringing the use of custom SMuFL fonts to 4.5.

We've also been working closely with the engraving department of Hal Leonard to better understand the pain points they experience in other notation apps, and to design new solutions for these problems that don't already exist in the market.

One example is how objects like ties, slurs, clefs, and key and time signatures behave at repeats and jumps (including "da capo", "dal segno" and "to coda" marks). In MuseScore 4.5, these elements will get created automatically, based on the presence of musically sensible conditions (E.g. a note of equivalent pitch existing at the start of a repeated section). Where a note can be tied to more than one other note, we'll also provide a nifty way of allowing people to chose which notes it gets tied to.

New feature for partial ties and more (animated image)

As always, our engraving specialist Simon Smith will publish a detailed article describing all engraving updates when the next version is ready.

Focus on Finale users

With MakeMusic's announcement in August that it will be discontinuing Finale's development, we understood the need to provide a free and attractive alternative to people wanting to migrate to a different application. We took the opportunity to reach out to Finale users to learn what features they couldn't live without, and have set about making our own equivalents – tweaking them here and there to ensure they integrate comfortably with our own app.

In MuseScore 4.5, we'll be introducing:

  • The ability to move measures to the previous/next system (using shortcuts or the Properties panel), allowing you to fit as many measures as you want within the same system
  • The ability to lock systems so they remain as a single unit without reflowing when you make changes elsewhere on the score
  • The ability to drag measures (or range selections) to quickly copy and paste them to other measures
  • A new note input mode comparable to Finale's popular "Speedy Entry" system, which provides people with another way to quickly enter pitches and durations using their keyboard and (optionally) their MIDI keyboard too.

New moving measures feature (animated image)

Not only are these features beloved by Finale users, we also think they'll greatly enhance the workflow of all MuseScore Studio users too.

And more!

Complementing the new drag-to-copy-and-paste functionality will be a suite of improvements to copy and paste behaviours more generally. For example, when copying a list selection of dynamics and pasting them somewhere else, the relative metrical positions of the dynamics will be retained. It'll also be possible to make proper range selections when starting from something that's not a note or rest.

Before (current in released versions)

Copy and paste dynamics: behaviour before (animated image)

After (coming soon in 4.5!)

Copy and paste dynamics: behaviour after (animated image)

Version 4.6

While most of the team starts preparing major new features for version 5.0 (see below), we intend to release one more update in the version 4 series that will include a couple of small features and improvements. You can look forward to enhanced features for chord symbols and fretboard diagrams, as well as updates to our selection filter that will speed up your workflow.

Version 5.0 and beyond

From version 5.0 onwards, we'll be setting our sights on a mixture of more ambitious and innovative features that will significantly enhance the way you use MuseScore Studio to create music. Here's a high-level summary of some of our development aims.


Sitting at the top of our priority list is the eagerly anticipated automation feature, which will finally unlock DAW-like control over dynamics and other playback parameters via intuitive and customizable over-the-stave curve lines.

Having recently introduced the possibility for segment-based notation layout (see above), we're finally in a position to unlock highly valuable note input requirements. This includes placing tuplets across barlines, and moving a range of notes forwards or backwards in time while maintaining their rhythmic integrity. And of course, you'll get more granular control over the timing of each note, enabling more expressive and customizable playback. Once these changes are complete, this will also unlock a new feature we aim to introduce in 2025: a new, multi-capable piano roll.

Another one of our ambitions is to introduce audio staves, which can seamlessly interweave real audio tracks with the playback generated from your notation. Using a time-stretching technology we recently introduced to Audacity, audio staves will retain their relative length even when you change the tempo of your score.

We know how important a flexible MIDI mapping system is to our users, and so designs for this are already in a well-advanced state. This is quite an extensive feature that may end up being rolled out in stages, but we are aware that this is particularly crucial for VST users who need more control over how their plugins perform in MuseScore.

With VST in mind, and with so many new sounds libraries becoming available from MuseSounds, we've also planned a playback profiles system that will allow people to create defaults that map their preferred sound libraries to specific instruments.

Shared framework

An under the hood piece we've started working on is an integrated framework with Audacity, which allows us to share parts of our codebase – a system we are planning to expand until both applications share the same audio engine. When this is in place, we can all look forward to more rapid feature integration as improvements to playback in Audacity get assimilated into MuseScore Studio, and vice versa. This will also make many of Audacity's native effects available for MuseScore Studio users too.

Workflow and UI

We know that people using MuseScore Studio on laptops have to negotiate some fairly tight space constraints. With this in mind, we've now started designing a minimal UI mode that will reduce the amount of screen space taken up by controls, allowing more room for the score.

We also have plans to modernise the increasingly ageing styles dialog, which suffers from accessibility issues, outdated components, and usability problems.

And finally, we know that an in-app video player is a crucial part of our scoring crowd's workflow, and have started investigating solutions for this too.


One of the biggest pieces of work for our engraving team will to enable proper instrument stave sharing. For example, imagine two flutes sharing a single stave in the score, but with the possibility of creating an independent part for each of them. Achieving this is currently possible only by writing music in different voices and hiding those that shouldn't appear in each part. Such a workaround is no replacement for a more capable system, but achieving this will require a major overhaul of how instruments, staves, and voices currently work. As part of this, we will implement a much more sophisticated system for instrument labelling and numbering.

We’re also planning a major overhaul of grace notes. Currently, they’re treated as add-ons to real notes, which causes significant engraving issues. To address this, we’ll rework grace notes so they function just like other notes on the stave.

At a macro level, we'll be building new capabilities into the Instruments panel (being renamed to Layout panel in version 4.5) that will enable the creation of larger sections of music – think movements of a sonata or symphony, acts of an opera, and even songs in a songbook. This is currently only partially achievable with page breaks, but requires awkward hackery of objects like clefs, and time and key signatures. Defining the score into proper sections will overcome these problems and more.

A more flexible and intuitive way to control the visibility of staves and measures is also in the pipeline, enabling an improved way of displaying cutouts, among other things. We're also planning a dynamic system for adding cues which will do away with the currently clunky process of needing to create secondary instruments that span the whole score and hiding them.

Extensions framework

Earlier in 2024, we started developing a new extensions framework to replace the existing plugins system. This ended up being a complex piece of work, so we put it aside to focus on more urgent priorities with the intention of coming back to it in 2025.

Aleatoric mode

Another possibility of laying out notation on a per-segment, rather than per-measure basis, is the ability to open up our playback engine to enable multiple simultaneous playback points and a properly fragmented layout. This is a long-term goal, but one which we're ultimately aiming towards as our engraving and playback modules continue to mature.

There's a lot more to come

As mentioned, this is not an exhaustive list, but it hopefully gives you a sense of the big-ticket items that are in our sights.

While pretty much all of the above will be developed by the internal team, it's worth mentioning that a multitude of smaller and medium-sized tasks always needs attention. We've curated a selection of these in our community projects board on GitHub, and invite any interested developers from the community to tackle these.

As always, we're extremely grateful for the support of our developer community, particularly when it comes to testing our nightly and beta builds, and for helping us improve the overall quality of the app by contributing bug fixes and feature improvements.

We hope you continue to enjoy creating music in MuseScore Studio.


This is truly amazing work! Thank you development and teams for continuing a great software that is improving! Looking forward to the automation feature and playback features. Re-imagining and upgrading an entire software from scratch sounds to be a wild process.

Very glad to read that the measure based data structure will finally be redesigned.
This is indeed a major blocker for evolution.
But of course a huge piece of work as that's the fundation of the musescore data system.

In reply to by bradleykunda

HI Bradley and thanks. No, i'm well aware of the free MuseSounds in Staffpad (although some of them don't work very well). My question was about the paid libraries on both Staffpad & MuseScore. I was under the impression that at some point all the libraries would be shared between MS & SP. Even in the intro to the new pipe organ, the narrator says 'for staffpad & Musescore'. is this no longer happening?

I'm proud to say I've been on the Musescore Studio train since 2014. Never have I been more excited to see the unparalleled evolution of notation software (AND FOR FREE)!

Thank you for sharing with us all these fine plans, in details! I'm very glad that you are aware how many features are still needed to make MuseScore 4 what it should be. I'm very excited about automation/piano roll, and also many others. Audio staves where entirely unexpected, but great news for me. If I may suggest, it would be great to support both "time-stretchable" and "non time-stretchable" audio staves. Non-stretchable audio staff would be great for synchronizing/mixing the MuseScore's performance with the real recorded performance.

In reply to by Asher S.

I can understand that it might work really rather well for that particular application. - so will be useful for you, and maybe others.
I have used time stretching - of various sorts - and also pitch shifting, but fot the highest qualilty I prefer not to use any of those methods.
As better algorithms come along my concerns might become less significant to me.

In reply to by dave2020X

All depends on your usage. But minor time stretching of samples to match tempo changes (when one decides to try out a faster pulse, for example) is highly valuable. I wouldn't personally worry about deformation. Then again, I'd never use a notation app to produce final music. Great for demos.

That said, Audacity's time-stretching is really excellent. It's an in house technology that took a long time to build. We open-sourced it in 2023.

Thanks for sharing, these updates are so incredible. Looking forward custom SMuFL fonts feature and the piano roll.

Regarding the example using wood blocks, will there be an option to use separate one-line staves to represent the individual wood blocks (high, mid, low) and to group those staves using a named bracket like this here:

Looks great, as usual.

Just not to forget one thing I think really needs upgrade - working on large scores - most changes take ages.

Thanks you for your work, please consider to reimplement some lost features:
- metronome count-in
- general pitch settings
- image capture
- jackd support for Linux
The lack of these features prevent a lot of people to upgrade to MS 4.X

All the future improvements sounds very good!, but:
Taking advantage of the new stave design, it would be desirable to have the lines that make up a staff be able to be coloured as desired, or at least that in a three-line staff, the middle line could be made invisible, but the musical notes, pauses and other musical elements would remain visible. Although this request may seem stupid, it is essential for castanets composers to be able to use MuseScore and to be able to compose their pieces for "solo concert castanets" and also to be able to print the score according to current standards. "Solo concert castanets" produce at least 7 different strikes that can be represented on a three-line staff, but the middle one must be invisible. Although there are probably not many MuseScore users who work with castanets, this improvement could change the situation. Actually the implemented castanets in Musescore only produce 2 sounds (strikes), but my created "solo concert castanets" instrument produces the 7 strikes. At least MuseScore 3.6.2 and all the MuseScore 4.X.X are able to produce already a 3 Lines staff and one can draw an auxiliary white line over the 2nd. staff-line, but this procedure is very painful if the score is more than 1 page long.

In reply to by puggbma

Future developments look good, and maybe the changes to using measure based underlying structures will lead to significant benefits.

For me the biggest improvements - perhaps not included in the plans - would be:
1. A usable Album or Movements feature - I know this was dropped between MU2 and MU3 as it was unreliable. I'm still hoping that something workable will eventually reappear.
2. A more streamlined Mixer - to allow grouping of sections.
3. Grouping of sections in large scores - also linked to the Mixer - not just a simple extension of Parts - though I'm very grateful that Parts now seem more reliable.

I don't use Piano Roll Editors too much, though I note that there are many who now seem to work almost exclusively in PREs and DAWs. Some DAWs offer a compromise, but the notation features are generally nothing like as good as MuseScore. Maybe this is an area where more can be done - though it's not a very high priority for me.

I note the intention to enhance video integration - though that might require the use of a new structures - such as Timelines with time codes - similar to video editors. Possibly that might make things too complicated - at least in the short term.

Time stretching of audio - mentioned as something new to be introduced - is interesting, though most time stretching methods compromise audio quallity - sometimes very significantly - if pitches are to be maintained. I would hope that new features such as time stretching would not distort the possible very high quality audio which can be generated by. MuseScore for users who don't need or want to use features which might impact on the sound quality.

It'll be really interesting to see how the Finale inspired note editing features work - and if they help. One thing which is a real pain in MU4 at the moment is that if a change is made in one measure, then sometimes the whole page is reformatted, and it can be very hard to spot the point of focus which gets changed by the new layout. I think the proposed Lock feature for formatting might help, though it would also be very useful to have a lock on notes, to make sure that notes don't get changed by accident.

Maybe also for the future, support for surround sound could be built into the Mixer - but it's something which could come later.

Musescore is clearly a very complicated and intricate system to develop, so features which may seem simple to do from a high level may in fact not be when one gets down to the nitty gritty data structures and code fragments. It is amazing that it works at all! Thank you.

In reply to by puggbma

@puggbma • Dec 27, 2024 - 19:50
"It would be desirable to have the lines that make up a staff be able to be coloured as desired."

This would indeed be a useful feature. I typically colour the 4th line (=string) of guitar tab in brown as it helps me to differentiate quickly between strings 3 and 4, (since there is no center line on a six line stave).

I have a workaround to achieve this in MS3 which may also work in MS4. I won't link a score here because it will embed a huge visual and I don't want to clutter this thread, so, (in case you do not have a workaround of your own), if you start a new post I can explain how it works.

In reply to by yonah_ag

Thank You very much for your ofer. I have a workaround also in MS3, but it does not work very well in MS4. Any way, your workaround in MS3 may be better as mine. So, if you like, you can explain me what you do. The real solution would to be able to coloured the satff lines according to the needs.

In reply to by Tau_03

That would have to be equally a question for Wallander.
Personally, I don’t think they will. But seeing how they are making monetized Muse Sounds packs, maybe they’ll be up for collaborating with the makers of paid software.

Edit: However, the same fact could suggest that they won’t.

Something I have an increasing need for is the ability to have branching stems to notate alternate unisons (F and F#). The existing solutions for this--notating them with enharmonic equivalents, having two note heads side by side with both accidentals to the left of the chord, or manually pasting in lines--are less clear, do not work in all circumstances, or are extremely time consuming. This would be a nice feature to have (which as far as I know is only fully extant in Dorico).

Thank you for all the effort. But please implement a tuning system and improve the microtonal integration. I think some of us have to emigrate to another app if this continues without these functions :(

Very good planning, however, I would like to offer you some suggestions:
1. In non-standard aspect ratios (16:9), sometimes the UI appears cramped (see details at https://github.com/musescore/MuseScore/issues/25823), I hope you can consider us users.
2. I hope to see the addition of more microtonal music systems, such as 19-tone equal temperament, 22-tone equal temperament, etc.
3. The current mixer seems to have tools for adjusting the stereo image, but it can only adjust stereo (i.e., two channels) and cannot create mixes for special channels like 5.1, 7.1, 2.1, 7.1.2, 7.1.4, etc. As a user who enjoys creating Dolby Atmos music, I would prefer to integrate the Dolby Renderer API into MuseScore, which would allow mixing Dolby Atmos projects within MuseScore without having to switch to other host software (DAW). If you believe this would affect the size of the application, it could be made as a free plugin for users to download.
Finally, I hope MuseScore continues to improve and becomes the preferred choice for musicians to create sheet music by 2025! I hope the Musescore team will consider my suggestions!

It's really exciting to read all of what's planned! Kudos to the team. I have been a user since version 3 and although updating to 4 was kind of a bumpy ride, I have seen lots of improvements in the latest releases.
Hope 2025 is a great year for MuseScore!

Wow! This is seriously an amazing roadmap—Thank you and this is very exciting!

Meanwhile, I’d like to propose a feature request. Currently, Sibelius and Dorico can be effectively connected to StreamDeck, enabling users to seamlessly utilize tools like Notation Express from NYC Music Services. Would it be possible for the MuseScore team to implement WebSocket support? This would allow for better integration between MuseScore and StreamDeck, significantly enhancing workflow efficiency and accessibility for users.

Would it be possible to change the font of text related musical symbols, like time signatures or multi-measure rests? I feel like this is a feature that takes away from the new "large time signatures" feature if we can't make them look Hollywood style, and professional.

I've seen this just now – version 5.0 sounds amazing! Automating combining instruments into one stave and flexibly changing the visibility of individual staves and measures is going to be so useful.

Kudos on all the amazing improvements. I'm quite interested and joyful to see automation at the top of the anticipated features for future versions and looking forward to features that will work well with VSTs and MIDI. MIDI editing/ export is big for me, but was virtually deprecated with the advent of the new sound engine. Musescore Studio is heading for 'the best of both worlds' and its quite exciting hahaha

MuseScore just keeps getting better!

Having been a percussionist in high school and heading towards the future, these will be interesting features and amazing capabilities to see in MuseScore. Even going from version 3 to 4 has been a monumental leap.

I would also love to see ethnic percussions in MuseScore. Lately, I have been toying with some external libraries for Congas, Bongos, Timbales, Djembes, and Cajon. And, of course, these have different hit types, such as edge hits, center hits, taps, and so on. There's also Tambora, Daburka and Pandeiro. These are great for Latin and Brazilian percussion.

Another amazing thing is experiencing and testing the "DAW-like control over dynamics and other playback parameters" in the future. If my memory serves me correctly, users want that form of control. And that would be great for me to podcast and blog about soon!

Right now, it seems Dorico is the "flagship" out there for those commercially investing in score writing. They take what was in Finale and make it easier for the average user. MuseScore has targeted beginner users similar to Dorico. Finale was really for the advanced user. Sibelius started out for beginners; however, I believe it is now more advanced. I hope to see the powers of Finale, Dorico, and Sibelius in MuseScore 5+ (i.e., and perhaps beyond)!


Personally waiting for the new extensions framework. I'm holding off some plugin-ideas until the new API:s are in place. A proper implementation will help accelerate the development of (addon) features.

In reply to by Aidan_Grivas

I hope that some of these new and upcoming developments will make significant improvements.

There is a degree of uncoupling between the Muse Sounds libraries developments and MuseScore, but it would be good if some future libraries could be based on physical modelling. Physical modelling libraries can - in some cases - offer advantages over sampled libraries, both in terms of expression control, and also in file sizes and CPU performance. I have no immediate feel for whether this could help with further developments of MU, but it might. The physical modelling libraries I'm most aware of are the VSTs from PianoTeq for pianos, and the SWAM instruments - which include some strings, woodwind and brass. It may not be possible to link easily to new library versions from those sources, but new ones may come along which could be integrated with MuseScore. Of course some users may want to combine both sampled libraries and physical modelled libraries in scores, but it would be good if linking to these could be made as simple, and also as efficient, as possible.

In reply to by dave2020X

PianoTeq's classical guitar is also excellent. The modelling offers a good set of user parameters, the guitar sounds amazing, and it works on even humble spec computers. Pianoteq includes a standalone VST which can be easily interfaced with MS3, (on Windows), for real time playback.

All that is great..but all I really want is Styles to work the way they should, in 4.4.4 you cannot set a default style to use for import, (this used to work) resulting in every file opened needing a style manually applied. There are several properties that are not remembered even when they are specified in the style sheet. All this makes for a lot of extra work when trying to format a score in a specific way.

Just stumbled across this while looking for custom SMuFL font support, and it's great to hear and see it in the works
The open source community is so amazing and I can't wait for what's to come, here's, late to the party, to a great 2025 with MuseScore!

Deixa eu perguntar uma coisa...
É possível que algum dia o musescore se torne melhor que o Sibelius e o Dorico?
A impressão que tenho é que mesmo que seja colocado todo o esforço do mundo, um software livre e de código aberto nunca estará no nível de um software proprietário...
Temos vários exemplos por aí... O Ardour não é melhor que o Pro Tools, o Gimp não é melhor que o Photoshop, o Inkscape não é melhor que o Illustrator, o Blender não é melhor que o Maya, enfim...
Gostaria de estar errado mas no momento essa é a realidade de que os principais softwares proprietários estão na frente com uma certa vantagem...
Falo isso não pra desencorajar o trabalho de vocês mas falo isso como um desabafo e com um tom de tristeza porque parece que nunca será suficiente os esforços para ultrapassar os softwares proprietários...

MU 3.0 was not compatible with previous plugins and had several bugs and instabilities. MU 4.0 was not compatible with previous plugins, had several bugs and instabilities and deprecated several features of the previous version. What will 5.0 bring? It would be very nice if devs kept stability and compatibility when starting a new major update.

In reply to by fernandoamartin

With MS4, we had to rearchitect the entire app and build a new audio engine on top of that. It was a very serious change we decided to make specifically so that we could have stability going forwards. MS5 will not be anything like that. It'll include some file format changes to enable new features and capabilities but it won't negatively affect existing features or any currently working plugins. You may have missed me saying this a few years ago but we never want to have to make fundamental changes as significant as V4 ever again.

I know this is a hyper-specific thing, but will any of these changes allow copy-and-paste of multiple bars with time signatures?

Currently, the pasted music uses the time signature that's where you paste.

Keep up.the good work!

In reply to by tompw1

+1 I don't think this is a hyper specific thing. It's a very basic, essential feature that should have been implemented years ago. It's incredibly frustrating having sections with some time signature changes and not being able to copypaste them. I think this is one of the main features that unfortunately makes musescore not a professional notation software. It is possible with Finale, Dorico and Sibelius and I think for a lot of professionals it would be a dealbreaker switching from Finale.

In reply to by fifivi

I agree this has to be done but remember, there were 100's of things that MuseScore Studio didn't do, which we've been gradually adding over the last 6 major releases. Everyone has their own specific thing they think is the most important. It's also often the case that in order to support one thing, we need to go deeper to modify the underlying system in order to make it possible.

For example, our copying and pasting system is very basic and limited. We've made some major improvements there in 4.5, which pave the way for this specific request. Don't worry. It’s coming!

In reply to by Tantacrul

Thank you for the reply. Sorry if my tone was a bit harsh. I'm just telling you as a professional musician and composer, that a lot of people desperately need this and I think a lot of professionals who might consider switching from Finale, will find out about this limitation, where there isn't really a workaround other than manually having to input every time signature change before copying, the hard way and that might be a dealbreaker for them.

Appreciate the work you guys do so much!

Does this codebase refactoring mean that there's a chance for MuseScore Studio to get a tabs feature, kind of like a web browser, opposed to the current window-based model? I understand that there are much more important priorities, so I don't see this as a focus for a while

Hello to all
I would like to know if in version 4.5 I will be able to use the SMuFL november 2.0 font, and if it will need special settings or will have full preconfigured compatibility like the main Leland font.
Thanks a lot!

I've just recently begun dipping my toe into the world of plugins, and I've encountered a ton of frustrating issues so far, mostly with information that isn't exposed by the plugin API, or with properties that are explicitly designated as read-only. For example, I've written a plugin that looks for certain issues in a score, and when an issue is found, it would be nice to be able to report to the user which measure the issue occurred in. That seems simple enough; I can easily find the Measure object that a note belongs to, but... whoops, there's no way to get the measure number. I could start from the beginning of the score and count them, of course, but that doesn't take into account any measures that are excluded from counting measure numbers, such as pickup bars, which means if I use that method to tell the user which measure I found something in, the number I give them might not match the measure numbers they see on the score. And of course, whether or not a measure is excluded from measure numbers isn't exposed either.

I know plugins are being replaced by extensions. Will the new extension system provide a way for extensions to access this kind of data, without the limitations of the old plugin system? Or will the limitations of what plugins can access also be true for extensions, and I'll need to submit feature requests to ask for more stuff to be opened up?

I also mentioned properties that are read-only. Apparently I can add a new Part (instrument) to a score, but I can't changes its name; the documentation says you used to be able to do that in MuseScore 2.x, but the partName property was changed to read-only in MuseScore 3.x. Was that change made for security reasons, to prevent rogue plugins from screwing with people's scores? The whole reason I'm interested in writing plugins is so I can automate screwing with my scores in very specific and useful ways. If security is a concern, have you considered implementing a security system for plugins? Perhaps a plugin could require certain permissions, and the user would have to explicitly grant permissions for the plugin to be able to perform certain actions, similar to the way mobile phones prompt the user when an app needs permission to access the camera.

I would love to hear more about your plans.

I came here to ask, because I've heard rumors, and I'd like to confirm or dispell them: is the addition of using any SMuFL music font you want coming in 4.5 or 4.6? Or is that not happening at all in the foreseeable future? I just don't want to get my hopes up. Ideally I'd love to be able to use a music font that is reminiscent of heritage or vintage sheet music. For some reason it feel more at home to me.

Any chance that we finally get a "copy part layout" feature à la Sibelius ?
I'm considering switching just for that feature alone and I know a lot of people who stick to it just for it

"and moving a range of notes forwards or backwards in time while maintaining their rhythmic integrity"
YES!!! Finally I'll be able to make guitar strums using arpeggios that line up with the beat without having to start the arpeggio early and messing up the entire structure of the score.
(If there's a better way to make guitar strums please someone tell me)

But will the playback automation also work with MuseSounds, for the last year playback volume changes only work with Musescore basic sound , not with MuseSounds..

Thank you to everyone at MuseScore - the number of incredible changes from version 3 to 4 is simply amazing. There were a few bumps at first, but it's become very stable and I'm glad to know the infrastructure has been completely updated for future grow. The Muse Sounds playback is quite amazing and almost sounds like a real orchestra (and for free!) I can't wait for the laissez vibrer ties!! Very excited about the major future updates to the instrument stave sharing and cue generation. This is critical for large symphonic works to be able to quickly and relatively painlessly generate parts from the score and keep them in sync. Thank you again everyone at MuseScore!!
(P.S. I don't know how this would work exactly, but could AI be employed to make playback even more realistic?)

Great application!!!
Is there or will there be a way to import directly Encore 4.5 files other than converting to MIDI then importing.
I have hundreds of Encore files that I accumulated through the years and it would be awesome to be able to import directly.

I have always been appalled by the available instrument libraries in MuseScore since version 3.x (except for the stock grand piano). I am a saxophonist and the quality of all horn instruments left me (and still leaves me) cringing. When V4.0 was announced, I thought, "Great! I will finally be able to replace soundfonts with actual sampled instruments (SVI)..."

Alas, no. I found that the only decent (e.i. authentic and professional sounding SVIs) are exclusively tied to a particular DAW, which only occasionaly works with MSS4.x. Furthermore, I found rather recently, that MSS4.x will only interface with one DAW at a time. This is a big issue because I need to use some instruments from one mfr., and others from another. AND, I have to save my entire score as a MIDI file, then send it to a (hopefully compatible) DAW for playback, when I only wnat to use 2-3 instruments from that library, and the rest of the score may not even be suported by said library.

What I have determined that I and any other professinally trained MUSICIAN wants and needs, is to have each instrument in a score to be individually mapable to any DAW to whatever the appropriate instrument name is, AND...be able to support what ever articulations are available for that instument, i.e., for Sax, "Doits and Slurs, etc.

I am a composer and arranger of jazz music. While not a proffessional educator or band leader, and not a 503B corporation, I have contacts working with music students here in Mexico that do not have access to extracurricular musical resources, including education, training, actual instruments and even transportation. It is my desire to add my particular skill set to theirs to help provide an avenue for learning, growth and performance opportunities. I am retired, and do not require an income, so I will only benefit by pride in my and my sutdents progress and accomplishments. Therefore, I am not requesting these for

I know this will be an involved process, but to be the only development company in the industry able to exploit all of the advanced products out there, to enable your users to get the most out of avilable technological resources, to allow them grow and excell, to create the best sounding scores and the best publishable and readable sheet music, will elevate MuseScore Studio to the top of the pack.

(MuseScore has been and hopefully will be the only notation software that I will ever need to use. I do not own a DAW, nor any VI package of jazz instruments at the current time.)

Sincere regards!


coming from a finale background I used the transposing tools dropdown easy to access way finale allowed me to copy sections or measures of the music paste it into another instrument then simply transpose it up or down an octave, In musescore there are a lot of steps to do this and since i do it many many times when arranging composing or orchestrating its very cumbersome to do in musescore

Is there anyway you can make this feature similar to the way it was done in finale

In reply to by jmullins

and really THANK YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE LABORIOUS WORK you are doing. I have been bringing all my finale & Sibelius files into musescore so that I can finale hear them played via Musescore. I have had 3 to 4 full orchestras and choirs perform my orchestrations and arrangements in the past on many occasions; but it was always pins and needles going to the rehearsals and performances not knowing if what I put together would sound as I had intended. Finale's playback sounded like a cheesy arcade game as far as playback was concerned.

When I imported and played my scores into muscore,panned the instruments added reverb compression etc it was a pleasure to finally get it sounding realistic enough to the real thing and instead of using up hundreds of hrs as i had to do in Finale to make it sound ok , I can now spend much more time polishing and shining up my orchestrations in Musescore, SO THANKS AGAIN FOR THAT I have jumped over to the the beta version of 4.5 Like some of the improvements. Hopefully the stuff i am doing in the beta version will open in the final 4.5 release

In reply to by jmullins

Ctrl+Up/Down transposes music by octave, no extra steps or dropdown required. And of course, MuseScore handles the actual transposition of the instruments completely automatically. So it's not clear what you mean here. But if you have an idea for a future enhancement, best to start a new thread in the Feature Request florum and describe your idea in more detail. Then if a consensus is reached as to how such a feature could be designed, you can open an issue on GitHub to propose your design more formally.

Thank you for always improving this wonderful software,

I have a question concerning note input:

When will you integrate a record button, where the software automatically catches what's being played and notates it on the desired stave. This is a time saver!

Thank you

Buonasera, sono appena passato a Musescore da qualche mese e devo dire che non è male come programma, dato che fino a ieri usavo Finale 25; il problema che riscontro e che non riesco a far funzionare in ascolto il sistema MIDI con il Modulo Sonoro Multitimbrico Roland SC 88 collegato con cavo USB sempre Roland. Con finale nessun problema, ma con Musescore non funzione, anche dopo averlo inserito come predefinito in ascolto per il MIDI, ma non è successo nulla, riesco solo ascoltare quello che scrivo solo in modalità VST. In attesa di un vostro consiglio in merito, ringrazio e saluto. Nikita51

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