Velocity change in the properties panel is not working
Hello, I was trying to, change the velocity of a few notes without changing the dynamics marking, but there was no change in the volume of the note, everything stayed at the same dynamic and volume level. I was doing so by selecting the notes and changing their velocity in the properties panel, under the playback option. I changed the velocity from 64 to 127 and nothing changed, previous notes of the same dynamic and these changed notes sounded as if they were of same dynamic or velocity.
Is this feature not yet activated in Musescore Studio 4.4.3?
In reply to anyone? by Joseph.Zayoun
Velocity change does not yet work in Muse sounds. Supposed to in Basic sounds.
In reply to Velocity change does not yet… by bobjp
thank you for your reply, is it supposed to be implemented any time soon?
In reply to thank you for your reply, is… by Joseph.Zayoun
Muse Sounds aren't based on MIDI, so "velocity" isn't how volume is controlled. There are plans to add more sophisticated / powerful / simpler controls for volume in the relatively near future - like probably around 4.6 or so.