Compress Slash Spacing

• Dec 6, 2024 - 21:32

Would there be any way to compress the spacing between slashes so that a measure with 4 slashes is no wider than a measure with a whole measure rest (which i am assuming would be the minimum measure width)?
I have tried decreasing the layout stretch ({) but can decrease no further. Keeping measures with slashes to the minimum width is my aim here as it means that nearly all the charts that i make stay within one page. This means no page turning is required during a performance which is what i am after whenever possible. Thanks


One possibility would be to use the Group Measures tool in the Layout palette. This will allow you to place literally any number of measures on the same system. For example, you have 24 measures of slashes:

20241207 130723 - slashes.jpg

Select all 24 measures, then click the Group Measures tool.

20241207 130724 - Group Measures.jpg

And you get this:

20241207 130725 - slashes grouped.jpg

Most people, most of the time, probably won't want them that tight, but you can put them that tight and as much tighter as you could want. To test the idea, I've placed 100 measures grouped onto a single system like this. (It's completely unreadable, but it can be done.)

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