Playback bugs :-(

• Dec 8, 2024 - 19:54

I've reported these bugs before a couple of years back, but they have never been resolved. I haven't seen anyone else reporting them, so I guess it is a problem with my setup.
I always use Continuous view - horizontal as that gives me the best option to play along with the music.
In the first part of the video I am using "Smooth Panning" and it is anything but smooth - very jerky and jumping to notes. I then switch to normal playback and you can see what happens.
I would love to be able to use MuseScore again if these were resolved, so any advice, guidance etc.. much appreciated.
Link to video -


In reply to by bobjp

Ok, so you don't get the issue, nor do other people judging by the lack of reports. I do not get it on another programme, which eliminates MuseScore and my system. That only leaves my settings, as far as I can deduce.
Hmm, but which settings?
I have altered the scroll settings from vertical to horizontal which has eliminated most of the jerkiness, all that remains now is a slight jump at the end of each bar as it goes to the next one whether there are notes there or not.
I have no idea how to eliminate this jump, so any suggestions are very welcome!

Looks like it's limping along. This is either the file has extraneous stuff in it or something is hitting your system, like low memory due to running programs, or just low memory, or malware, etc. Try to get rid of all the dynamic markings and see what happens. If that doesn't help, check the setting in Edit > Preferences > Audio & MIDI > Buffer Size for the heck of it. Check to see if you have programs running that you can close. Also, please post the file if you can along with what operating system you have and CPU & memory information.

In reply to by Philorganic

The jumping doesn't seem to be as bad except in the 3rd bar where there is a pronounced jump. Remove the text on that bar. Otherwise it's a bit of an improvement over the last video. Regarding the text, it says the file was generated by Noteworthy Composer. What happens if you screenshot a few bars, then using the screenshot as a source, and then enter it cold in Musescore as if you were creating a new score? No copy and pasting, just entering the notes one by one with the mouse or keyboard.

In reply to by Philorganic

> What I really do not understand is why do my midis run perfectly in Guitar Pro, but not MuseScore?

Because your .MIDI files, once imported into MuseScore, are not .MIDI anymore. They are .MSCZ files. importing .MIDI files into MuseScore sometimes brings with it additional overhead info. Info that cannot be correctly interpreted by MuseScore but hangs around gumming up the works.

> I have no idea how to remove text.

Select it and press Delete. If there is lots of text, you can select one, then right-click it and click Select / Similar from the context menu. You may have to repeat this several times if you have different KINDS of text.

> I have just downloaded Dorico and it works perfectly in there as well.

Can't help here. Completely unfamiliar with Dorico.

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