Question about variations of symbols
Hi all,
I just downloaded the most recent version of MuseScore and had to create a new symbols palette. I saw there were quite a few different kinds of accidentals in symbols: Arabic #, Bakiye #, plain #. etc. I have no idea which I've used in the past. What is an Arabic # or flat?
I use accidental symbols to denote lever changes on the harp.
Thanks for your help!
To know, what symbol did You use, just open score, and select it. In status bar (bottom left), it is written, which symbol is it. You can also create custom palette and drag symbols from score into it (Ctrl + Shift + drag).
Arabic # or flat is microtonal accidental (not whole half tone).
In reply to To know, what symbol did You… by sammik
Thank you for this! I never noticed the bottom left status bar and also didn't know I could drag a symbol from the score over into the palette. I always went to the master palette. Appreciate your help! :)
I have to think that you used the same # that is in the tool bar.
There are many tunning systems besides the one MuseScore (and most of us, maybe) uses. So an Arabic # might be pitched a microtone (more or less) different than what we ae used to hearing. This helps give Arabic music the particular flavor that it has.
In reply to I have to think that you… by bobjp
I will have to check the tool bar. That is very interesting to know- thank you for sharing!