Playback volume for voice parts almost inaudible

• Mar 19, 2025 - 04:43

Hi all
I've just noticed on a bunch of my scores (but not all) that since upgrading to MS4.5, voice parts are almost inaudible, although mixer settings are quite normal. Changing the part properties to any other (non-voice) instrument results in normal playback volume.
I've attached a small piece from one of the compositions: in this piece, the bass is also inaudible - the only audible parts.
Is this a bug, or something wrong in my setup, or some weirdness in the file itself?
Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
test.mscz 38.19 KB


For this score at least, set an actual volume for the voice parts. I used mf. Then pan the tenor left and the bass right. That helped a lot. Maybe take out some of the reverb. Muse sounds voices have always been a bit low as far as volume goes. Not unusual to have to boost the fader on those channels.

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