Cross-staff Notation

• Mar 22, 2025 - 13:13

I am having trouble with the cross-staff notation. This is what I want to achieve:
However, this is what I managed to do:
Although I have tried the ctrl+shift+up and the cross-staff function on the top bar, I was not able to achieve my desired notation. I wonder how to achieve this. Thanks for the help.

Attachment Size
demo.mscz 17.61 KB


Vou must first enter all 8th notes in Voice1 in the lower staff (as in the 1st mesure of the attached files below). Then select the last two eighth notes of the 6/8 together, and switch them to the upper staff with Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + up arrow (or via the toolbar icon, if you have version 4.5, ou 4.5.1).
See: 1demo_0.mscz (I didn't take the time to add the tie between the two E)

Capture d’écran du 2025-03-22 14-31-04.png

I achieved that:
ScreenShot 385.png
First: select the C4 and apply Ctrl+Shift+down.
Second: Select one of the eighth notes (bass clef) and press x.
Third: Select the measure of the treble clef and choose “Beam middle” from the palette.
(Done with 3.7)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yeah, and I see why it didn't work at first. I imported an XML file into musescore, which did not specify piano as the instrument. So when I tried ctrl+shift+up or click on the cross-staff icon on the toolbar, nothing happened. It worked after I created a new piano score. It seems this function will only work when the instrument is properly specified.

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