Setting more than one tempo in a piece

• Nov 5, 2014 - 13:32

I have written a piece of music and have set a tempo at the beginning of it. I would like to change the tempo a few bars in but don't know how to do this. Does anyone know how this is possible? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks.


Same way you are supposed to have set the initial tempo - by adding a Tempo Text to the score. See Tempo in the Handbook. You probably used the play panel, but that is really meant for setting temporary overrides to the tempos you create with tempo text, not for setting the actual tempo. Unfortunately the Handbook has not been clear about that at all.

> the play panel, but that is really meant for setting temporary overrides to the tempos you create with tempo text

I don't quite understand this. I thought that it meant that the overrides would go away after a reload, or that there would be a reset button. After I override in the play panel, both the main play button, and the play button in the little panel, reflect the temporary tempo. Fine, though one possibility would be to have them use the different tempos. There is no little asterisk indicating a file change. But when I save, and quit, and re-open the file, the temporary play-panel tempo is still in force. It does stick. I found it confusing to reset, as the nominal play-panel tempo was yet a third tempo (a simple bug I assume), and I had to go and find the tempo text and reset the play panel. This is with v 1.3. Others must surely have found this. I did not raise the issue, as I assume that you guys are working only on v 2.0. I know playback is low priority. Just fyi, as it seems to be a regular source of confusion. Was for me!

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