Greek Translation Problems for v 0.9.6

• Dec 23, 2009 - 21:57

Hello Every body,

I need some help,

I am working on the latest nightly bilds the greek translation, there are some strings that are not translated in the programm but i can not find the string in the source. I have notice also that by trying the German Translation. It has also the same problems. I thought maybe the first translation file that i gave was very old, so i decided to write everything from the begining by taking for example the latest GB file as source code. The GB file have just a few strings.I dont know what to do!
I have checked the hole el.ts file which i have found in the r2496 nightly bild. everything was ok there but for example the Grace Notes menu in the palette wasnt anywhere to find! And man other stirngs which are appearing in the programm was noweher to find in the QM file.
What should i do?


Hi jiannis,

As indicated by David here, the translation file might currently not match the strings in the software. So in case you miss a few strings for the moment, don't worry for the time being. Once the next release is coming closer, we'll make sure the translation file is 100% ok and that MuseScore will ship with a perfect Greek translation.

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