How do I add this accent ">" to the articulations and ornaments palette please?

• Nov 18, 2014 - 20:40

Nightly version 2668d60

How do I add this accent ">" to the articulations and ornaments palette please? there are only 6 in there atm. I've tried messing with the ">" key and various CTRL, Alt and Shift etc etc but to no avail.

This nightly version is fab btw


Attachment Size
musescore artic palette.png 6.29 KB


In reply to by onscuba

Looks like it has just been added to the basic palette for subsequent builds.

I should say I have reservation about making Basic the default - or at least without making it *so* limited. We're bound to get a lot of questions like this, and it may be a turnoff to some people initially starting up with MuseScore and thinking it is just a toy.

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