Aligning system text to time signature

• Dec 9, 2014 - 13:10

Currently, we align the tempo marking of a score to a preceding time signature (see this: #24854: First tempo marking doesn't align with coinciding time signature).

Should we do the same for system text?

Aligning system text to time signature - Potential result.png

Aligning system text to time signature - Actual result.png

I can't yet find examples as to whether it should be applied to stave text. So far, my thoughts are that it probably shouldn't. I'm also looking at page 492 of 'Behind Bars'.


Neither "system text" nor "staff text" are general music concepts - they are MuseScore-specific terms. So you won't find any standardization on how they should display.

For now, if you want it to align, do so manually. Or add it as tempo text and change the text style. Eventually, a way of attaching text to time signatures could perhaps be implemented. This approach was attempted and then abandoned a while back, though.

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