• Dec 10, 2014 - 14:54

Hello all,

I am using Ivory II Piano and I would like to know if this program will work with MS? If so can someone show me step by step on how to get this done? Thank you very much! DP


Are you using a standalone version or a VST Dai?

MuseScore can be configured to work with it, but it involves the installation and configuration of JACK.

It would also help to know your OS and version of MuseScore.

Personally I am only confident with explaining the process on Windows or Linux, but I'm pretty sure we can get some Mac info if it's needed.

In reply to by dai phan

Well, MuseScore does not have any sort of "live transcription" feature. You can use it with an external MIDI device, but all note entry is one note at a time. On the other hand, if you can record a standard MIDI file, then you can import that, and MuseScore will do it's best figure out the rhythms etc. Realize that this not generally possible to do if you play something arbitrarily complex.

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