Dynamics in 2.0

• Dec 26, 2014 - 15:57

(On Mac OS Yosemite)
I don't quite know where to post this, but here are two observations from 2.0 beta:
1. The dynamic markings "crescendo, diminuendo, marcato" etc. seem to have been left out in the new version.
2. If I have to move a marking to avoid collisions (or just to improve layout) the anchoring may jump to a prior note or to the lower staff. I assume this will impact playback (I use playback in order to check acoustically for typos, so I can't have one staff forte and the others piano).

- Do I enter the missing markings as text (command T in 1.3), then format as to font and italics? I do need the "crescendo" etc.; hair pins over more than about 2 measures are not practical.
- Is there a way to keep the anchoring fixed as it was in 1.3.? I'd much prefer that.

Maybe I am missing something, but I did spend some time looking for these things. Curiously, dynamics are treated among the playback features in the handbook, rather than under note entry where I think they belong.

I want to add that I like many other features, but mostly the new appearance of the scores--more elegant and readable especially the slurs. Some others, like the new navigation around the score will take getting used to.




There is no version 2.0 yet, just a beta 2 of it. Problems should better be discussed in the Technology Preview forum...
1. These are still there, have you check in the Advanced palette?
2. This is still possible try the Inspector F8, it give far more precice control that dragging.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Hairpins for crescendo & diminuendo are in the appropriate palette, but the *words* crescendo and diminuendo (or abbreviations for them) are not. You can add them as dynamics then edit the text (double click to edit), or just enter them as staff text. This is not different from 1.3 that I know of. Marcato is not a dynamic marking but a type of articulation; that marking is still present in the appropriate palette. Again, should you want the *word* to appear for some reason, you can enter it as text just as in 1.3. Regarding formatting. if you do this often, I'd highly recommend creating a custom text style so you can simply apply that rather than manually mark up every individual crescendo marking. You could also use Style / Save to save your style and make it the default via Edit / Preferences / Score.

For for fine tuning the position of dynamics and most other markngs, a simple way to position individual markings is click and use the arrow keys (optionally with Ctrl to move in 1sp units, or without to move in 0.1sp units). Some elements require a double click to activate for position, but for dynamics and other text elements, this puts them into edit mode. When moving multiple elements at once, the Inspector is the way to go. Dragging has indeed been changed to re-anchor the marking - same for slurs etc - I guess because so many people were erroneously using it that way anyhow.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks to both of you.
It is true however, that in 1.3. (and 1.2.) the dynamics palette includes the words "crescendo. diminuendo, dolce, marcato" and a few others. Not all of them dynamics, you are right, but very handy for what I am doing.
In classical music the words crescendo etc. regularly stand for serious crescendo (or diminuendo), often over many measures (where hairpins are not really useful as they clog up too much of the picture and become more and more a set of two parallel lines the longer they have to be drawn out.). These crescendi extend to the point where a new dynamic marking appears. Hairpins on the other hand are used as expression marks, dynamics in smaller scales (both in time and also in "amplitude"), which support phrasing rather than follow larger scale, "architectural" developments.

In reply to by azumbrunn

Huh, what OS are you seeing those in? Can you post a screenshot? I don't have any of those words in my Dymamics palette in 1.3 on Ubuntu or on Windows. But I do vaguely recalling seeing them at one time - maybe 1.1?

Anyhow, 2.0 also allows you to customize your palettes, so you can add those texts to your palette if you like.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

MacOS Yosemity (newly updated, but it looks the same in Mac OS 10.6.8. that I had before).
I get this panel by selecting a note (or several notes for several markings in one go), then typing "L". The panel stays open in the background unless it is closed by the user. Very quick and handy (I am not yet used to the 2.0 beta way of doing it, so I won't make comparisons--yet). I hope to be able to customize the palette eventually, but at this point I haven't gotten around to learning how to do that. dynamic palette 1.3..png

Attachment Size
dynamic palette 1.3..png 239.49 KB

In reply to by azumbrunn

Oh yes, sorry, I forgot all about the expnaded "L" version of the Dynamics palette. I was looking at the regular Dynamics palettes in the palettes on the left side of the screen.

To customize a palette in 2.0 builds, first create a worksapce to perform your customizations in, by clicking the "+" at the bottom of the palettes. Then enable editing for any given palette by right clicking it and choosing "Enable Editing". Now you can customize add elements from your score using Ctrl+Shift+drag.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry to ask an add-on question, but it is in context here. Your instructions to add elements to a palette (which are as yet missing in the handbook) don't seem to work on my Mac, probably because control-click is the Apple work around for right click: I get a context menu if I try your combination.
Do you know how to add elements to a palette in Mac OS?

I know that it has been a while since the last comment on this thread was posted, but I just had a question about dragging custom text (such as dolce, molto espressivo, etc) from the score window onto the Dynamics palette. I use MuseScore 2.0.2 on Mac El Capitan, and have enabled a custom workspace. I've read quite a bit about this issue, more recently learning that on a Mac one needs to hold down command+shift while dragging symbols/text onto a palette. This actually works, except that the dragged symbol/text doesn't want to "adhere" to the palette, despite of the + sign hovering while the object is being dragged. I even created "custom palettes" hoping that the dragged object from the score will be included. However, if I drag objects from and between palettes, it all works just fine.

I hope this all makes sense. I would greatly appreciate your help and advice. My goal is to create custom dynamic and text palettes (mainly for text expressions), such as those mentioned above (molto, leggiero, etc as well as other custom symbols and text).

Thank you!

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