Some shortcuts don't work in 2.0.beta2 on Mac OS X Yosemity

• Dec 30, 2014 - 06:27

Trying to enter some music I find that the following shortcuts do not work for me:
H and Shift H for hairpins.
Shift . for staccato dots.
N on the other hand works well (note entry mode on/off).
L I have heard is no longer there (for the dynamics panel). This is sad; it was a lot quicker than doing in from the palette.

I am not a shortcut man generally, I can't be bothered to leant them all, but these two save a lot of time and I have been using them often on 1.3.

Something wrong with my installation? Or is there a compatibility problem with Yosemity (the same shortcuts work well with 1.3. under Yosemite)? I tested the newest nightly release (12/29/14), the shortcuts don't work there either.


And unfortunately, on many keybaords, Shift+." and ">" are the same key, so therew is an inherent conflict here on those keybaords. Until we figure out a solution, best thing is to just go to Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts and customize the shortcuts to resolve the conflict.

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