Upload of scripts from Musescore 2.0

• Jan 2, 2015 - 06:31

Have you identified a a month when the Upload facility will be ready to accepts scripts from Musescore 2.0?

I love the 'continuous view' feature in Musescore 2.0 beta 2 - this for me, puts Musescore right up with the other [expensive] programs like Sibelius!

Thanks so much for your fabulous work!!
Peter Grasshopper


Hi Peter

I'm not in charge of MuseScore, but I believe it will be available once 2.0 is released (as you say, it's currently in beta and not recommended for serious work).

This will likely be in the next couple of months.

Hey Peter,

We are currently working to add 2.0 upload support to musescore.com as well as opening 2.0 files in the mobile apps. I will report back when it's online. Thank you for your patience.

In reply to by Thomas

That would be brilliant. I have just "discovered" MuseScore (after years of Sibelius) and the ability to share my scores with my choir (for practice), especially on the mobile apps, would be almost priceless. But I've started with MuseScore 2.0, so now I'll have to revert my scores back to 1.3. As soon as you can get Upload and Mobile Apps to work with 2.0, that would be fantastic !

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