Tiny application fonts

• Jan 7, 2015 - 08:25


I've got a couple of questions concerning font sizes in some areas of Musescore 2.0.

1. I find it difficult to view titles of

a) start center entries

b) score templates in "create new score" wizard

due to their tiny font size (please, see the attached images). Is there a way to enlarge them?

2. I would also like to be able to set my palette titles to be as large as the main menu entries the way

I was able to have them in Musescore 1.3.

Do you think it's possible?

I am running Windows 7 and Musescore 2.0 beta 2.

Attachment Size
01.png 309.24 KB
02.png 241.54 KB


You're seeing that with the Beta 2, not with a more recent nightly build? What type of display do you have - what screen size, what resolution?

For me, the font sizes just changed earlier today, I'm guessing with a fix made to the synthesizer window but I'm just starting to investigate that. before that, I had good font sizes everywhere; it was some other sizes (icons, *contents* as opposed to *names* of palettes) that were problematic. The "-x" option is currently designed to upscale everything *except* fonts, because those were good on my system (which has a 166 DPI display).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've had this both in 2.0 betas and 2.0 nightlies ever since I started checking the nightlies last year. Before the start center was introduced the problem had been the size of palette name fonts. I was also puzzled by the developers' decision to do away with the application font setting in the program preferences.
The monitor I have is 19' with native resolution of 1280x1024. It's an old LG LCD monitor (L1953TR) I bought some 6 years ago.

In reply to by el-russo

Hmm, the font for menu and palette are not any smaller than (the default) in 1.3, at least I don't see a difference. Would still be nice to get these preferences settings back.

The text below the score images in Start Center and New Score Wizard are indeed too small though

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Indeed, menu and palette fonts are the same size both in 1.3 and 2.0. I've just realized I was using larger-than-default windows system fonts which led to menu fonts getting larger and palette title fonts remaining the same size in 2.0. Thanks for helping me realize this.

It was possible to make them both equally large in 1.3 in case one found them too small (which I always did). I miss this behavior.

In reply to by el-russo

On my Ubuntu system, I also have my system fonts turned up larger than normal (necessary due to the high resolution display), and for me, the palette names *do* respect this just like the menus and dialog boxes do. The names of the scores and templates with the Start Center and Create New Score wizard do *scale* with my system settings, but they are both one notch smaller than everything else, which I assume is intentional. Looking at the code, it is set to 2pt less than whatever the default otherwise would have been - apparently, that means 2pt smaller than the size used for the palettes.

From your screenshot, it looks like maybe you only changed the menu size in Windows, but actually, Windows gives you independent control over different types of text. So depending on what version of Windows you have, you might be able to go back and tell Windows you want the application text as well as menu text to be larger. That should bring the palette size up, and with it, the names of the scores & templates (although I think they will remain one notch smaller). But I am not sure of the details, and I suspect they would vary between different versions of Windows.

Anyhow, I don't know of any plans to change anything within MuseScore in this respect, but you're the first to suggest a change. I would say, feel free to submit official feature requests (one for each feature) to the issue tracker, And hopefully more people will weigh in here or there.

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